VoIP Asterisk Resources

All the leading Asterisk resources for hardware, software, news and advice.

Asterisk is the leading software engine for creating a business IP PBX, VoIP gateway, or other communications system. Asterisk is free and open source, with many official and unofficial Asterisk resources available on the Internet.

VoIP Asterisk Resources Listing


Punto Acceso

Wireless broadband Internet / VoIP telephone service (site in Spanish and English)


Proveedor de interconexión VoIP para mayoristas y reventa. Bajos costes en llamadas internacionales y móviles.


Get Your SIP Number within a minutes. Get free minutes to start call instantly to ANY destinations. No limit on countries.

Telecom Solutions

A Broadband / PC to Phone VoIP Provider offering H323, SIP and IAX protocols


Qu es Vozelia?VOZELIA es un operador que puede complementar los servicios de telefona que usted tenga contratados, permitindole mejorar en fiabilidad y calidad.Con VOZELIA tendr un segundo operador de telecomunicaciones, que le permitir ahorrar en sus llamadas y dispondr de un sistema redundante que impida quedarse sin servicio de voz aunque su operador habitual falle.Trabaja simultneamente con su operador habitual, sin tener que solicitar portabilidades ni preasignaciones, 100 % transparentePor qu Vozelia ?Porque somos un equipo altamente cualificado, cuya meta es la calidad de servicio.Cunto puede ahorrar?+ un 100% en llamadas entre sedes de la misma empresa+ un 100% en llamadas entre clientes de Vozelia.+ Hasta un 90% de ahorro en llamadas internacionales.+ Un 35% de ahorro en llamadas a mviles+ Un 50% en llamadas NacionalesCunto me cuesta el servicio de Vozelia ?Nada, ya que slo paga por el uso que haga, y al usarlo no utiliza su operador de telefona habitual, con lo que dejar de pagarles precios abusivos.Es muy complicada la instalacin?nicamente le instalaremos un pequeo equipo en su centralita, su centralita usar VOZELIA o su operador habitual, segn la configuracin que usted decida.Si no tiene centralita, le instalaremos telfonos IP de ltima generacin o puede optar por una centralita IP-PBX basado en software libreY lo mejor de todo, si finalmente no le gusta el servicio, no deber pagar nada, y su empresa funcionara como antes de nuestra llegada.Pruebe nuestro servicio sin compromiso, djenos que le asesoremos en sus gastos telefnicos. Le sorprender la cantidad que puede ahorrar que puede ahorrarQu buscamos en Vozelia?- Autnomos, pymes y o empresas que quieran beneficiarse de una reduccin en sus facturas telefnicas.- Distribuidores que quieran obtener ingresos extras provenientes de un negocio de vanguardia que esta en constante crecimiento, ofrecindoles a sus clientes un ahorro en sus telecomunicaciones y las ventajas que le brinda el uso de Telefona IP.Cunto puedo ganar siendo distribuidor?Imaginemos que su cliente tiene 3 delegaciones y realizar un consumo de llamadas telefnicas de unos 1200 euros mensuales. Nuestros distribuidores ganan entorno a un 10% de la facturacin de sus clientes, es decir, en este ejemplo, generaran unos 120 Euros mensuales, con tan solo un cliente. Sin tener en cuenta si se le ha realizado algn tipo de instalacin.Con tan solo 10 clientes de este tipo, usted podra generar 1.200 euros mensuales aproximadamente. Pruebe su capacidad de captar clientes, y compruebe usted mismo los ingresos que puede crear.


Broadband VoIP service provider


Broadband Phone VoIP service (SIP) - site only in Spanish


VoIP solutions for small to medium sized companies. We offer a professional, yet cost effective solution. We can easily save you 40% on your telephone bills. We offer Least Cost Routing to any destination, including SA cell phones.

Connection Telecom

Connection Telecom's utilises the Asterisk open source PBX software and the Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) platform and is an active


to develoing solutions.


PC to Phone VoIP service provider


Asterisk is Linux-based software for creating an easily manageable and feature-rich business communication system. Asterisk includes all the drivers, protocol converters, scripts, codecs, and more needed to perform functions that range from routing and call handling to call recording and generating call detail records.

Asterisk VoIP software is open source and free, with many configuration options, features, and modules. An Asterisk VoIP solution is preferred by businesses — small and large — who want a robust and customizable IP PBX system to handle their business telephony traffic.

Who Uses Asterisk VoIP?

Asterisk is a framework for building a communications network, which can include conference servers as well as the basic PBX system Asterisk was originally designed to support. Asterisk uses the most common protocol — session initiated protocol (SIP) — and is built on one of the most stable and advanced operating systems (Linux). This makes Asterisk a reliable and extendable VoIP solution for businesses of all types.

Some of the business and organizations using Asterisk include:

  • Small and medium businesses
  • Carriers (CLECs, ILECs, and wholesalers)
  • ITSPs, ISPs, and VoIP providers
  • Government agencies
  • Large corporations
  • Call centers
  • Call shops
How Can Asterisk Be Used?

Asterisk is powerful, flexible, and stable. Asterisk was named for the * character in Linux, which is a wildcard character. Like its namesake, Asterisk is capable of performing many different functions — singularly or combined. Some of the functionalities of Asterisk VoIP software are:

  • VoIP gateway
  • IP PBX
  • Skype gateway
  • Call center automatic call distributor (ACD)
  • Conference bridge
  • IVR server
  • Voicemail system
  • Fax server
  • Speech server
  • Call recorder
  • Unified messaging

Asterisk resources such as whitepapers, videos, and forums can be found at asterisk.org, where the software can also be downloaded. As an open source platform, additional resources for Asterisk VoIP software — such as tutorials for integration with OpenSIPS or software for reporting — can be found all over the Internet. Looking for Asterisk software, hardware, tips, tutorials, or forums? We can help — check our Asterisk resources directory.

Installing an Asterisk VoIP PBX System

Building an Asterisk VoIP PBX is relatively simple from an installation standpoint, as long as you are familiar with Linux and comfortable using the command line interface (CLI). Binary installations using Yum on CentOS or RedHat makes Asterisk easier to maintain, according to the software's developers. There are many Asterisk resources offering installation instructions, including the Asterisk website as well as numerous unofficial how-tos.

Once the Asterisk software is set up, additional software — a graphical user interface (GUI), or front-end — is needed to interface with the Asterisk VoIP system to manage and configure standard features such as music-on-hold and voicemail. There are a number of Asterisk GUIs available, such as Mini Asterisk or GEOTEK Phonebook. You can find Asterisk GUIs in our Asterisk resources directory below, and a complete list of Asterisk GUIs at VoIP-Info.org.

However, that might not be the most stress-free process for many. Thankfully, there are also many software packages out there called distros that roll up the open source Asterisk VoIP PBX software and the GUI with additional components and an easy-install executable. AsteriskNOW is the distro offered by Asterisk, which does the heavy lifting by installing Linux, Asterisk, and the GUI as an ISO image, simply and easily. Some of the more popular distros for Asterisk VoIP service include:

  • AsteriskNOW
  • Elastix
  • PBX in a Flash
  • Trixbox
  • FreePBX
  • Switchvox

You'll find Asterisk resources like distros for setup, configuring, and customizing the PBX software in our Asterisk resources directory.

Using an Asterisk Appliance

One of the easier ways to install the Asterisk VoIP system is to use an Asterisk appliance. Asterisk appliances are small standalone servers and complete PBX solutions for small and medium businesses (SMBs).

Asterisk appliances come fully loaded with custom compiled Linux configurations, FXO and FXS ports, and a front-end (or GUI) to manage and configure Asterisk's features. Some well-known Asterisk appliances are:

  • Asterisk Appliance
  • Rhino Ceros Appliance
  • WARP Appliance
  • PhoneBochs MiniVoIP Appliance

Some developers of Asterisk distros also produce Asterisk appliances, so you can find a simple, comprehensive solution to Linux and Asterisk installation issues, the need for a dedicated machine, and the need for a GUI to manage the Asterisk software all in one compact package. Digium's Switchvox and AsteriskNOW as well as Trixbox are just a few of the distros that also come preloaded on Asterisk appliances.

You'll find more Asterisk appliances, GUIs, and other software in our VoIP Asterisk resources directory.

Choosing an Asterisk Appliance

When considering an Asterisk appliance, it's best to weigh a few factors carefully before making a final choice. Even though Asterisk is open source, a Digium Asterisk appliance — Switchvox — offers certain advantages in that it's fully supported and will upgrade at pace with Asterisk. Relying on community maintenance for independent Asterisk appliances can be a more complicated and even risky process.

Things to consider when evaluating an independent Asterisk appliance:

  • Upgrades
  • Extendability and portability
  • Installation
  • Compatibility with other programs/interfaces
  • Adequate support
  • Statistical aggregation ('phoning home' with usage data)

You can find these and more Asterisk appliances in our VoIP Asterisk resources directory, as well as links to tips, reference material, and hardware options.

Asterisk Resources: Getting Help

The official Asterisk site offers a forum, instructional videos, documentation and more. However, there are also plenty of other Asterisk resources available as well, including forums and installation help at AsteriskGuru and courses and certifications at Digium.

There are also sites featuring extensive documentation, such as the online O'Reilly guide to Asterisk, and sites with how-to vodcasts. Local Asterisk user groups are another online Asterisk resource, as are sites with news about Asterisk developments, updates, and releases. You can find links to these online Asterisk resources and more in our directory.

Asterisk Software

Because Asterisk is open source software, many companies and independent developers offer modules and add-ons for additional PBX features and functions — especially for industry-specific functions relating to call centers or VoIP providers. For instance, software for call center stats, call recording, autodialers, or conference management, as well as channel drivers, scripts, and other tools are all available through third-party agents.

Information about these and other Asterisk resources can be found in our directory.

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